Charoite, originally known as Lilac Stone, is a rock composed of various minerals such as Charoite, prismatic orange Tinaksite crystals, pale greenish grey microcline Feldspar, and greenish black Aegirine-Augite crystals. It has light to dark purple color and swirls. Since there is no other rock like it, It can be confidently identified by appearance alone.
Charoite was first discovered in the 1940's in the Chara River area in the Sakha Republic, Russia. It wasn't until the 1970's that Charoite entered Western markets.
Charoite Tumbles
SKU: 50001CHR
- Tumbled
- Uncommon
- Country of Origin: Russia
- Package Quantity: 1 stone
- 50001CHR Pebble size
50004CHR Large